It will soon become the 11th commandment, this
protein of high concentration on the mother’s milk and colostrum, is considered
to be one of the responsible protein in the creation in children of a well
balanced and rich microbioma. Children not fed by mother with a lack of this
protein might develop in older age different pathologies and allergies compare
to children that had been mother fed. This is nowadays considered by scientist very significant and important and
many pro and prebiotic supplement are now added with this protein. Lactoferrin
which is of high concentration on the intestinal mucus helps good bacterias to
grow by preventing with an antibiotic effect the growth of Colis and bad
bacterias in general including fungus like candidas.
It has been proven that lactoferrin helps
lactobacilles to better grow in the intestinal linen and by doing so increase
the thickness of your intestin layer preventing what it might be the cause of
different disconfort such as IBS or Chron disease. Lactoferrin also helps the
absorbtion of iron on specific condition and should then be considered of help
in cases of anemia or iron deficiencies.
By choosing the right kind of prebiotic in relation
to your digestive problem, adding them with probiotic and lactoferrine is then
the final touch to make sure that these important germs won’t get lost or
distroyed during the process. It is new and update now that a personalized
fermented supplementation is the future on the industry. The kind of digestive
problem, combined with a general analysis of the health status and nutrition
will help a nutritionist pick the right kind of pre-pro biotic to add to your
So remember the 11th commandment: Thou shall not
forget the use of Lactoferrin
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