Vitamin C and E:
Fitness and Bodybuilders are often attracted by
the last article or news related to their wellbeing and they tend to exaggerate
with some supplements thinking that if 1 is good 10 is ten times better. I have
to face people and athletes taking up to 3 or even 5 grs of vitaminc C. Vitamin
C and E are essentials for health, but they should be taken at the right dose
because if you workout you want that the produced free radicals excerpt their
effect on muscles. We grow also because free radicals damage our muscles. If we
prevent that with a high dose of Vitamin C or E we won’t get the results
desired. Some oxidative is good while an excess is harmfull !! ( BMC Sport
Science Rehabilitation 6:28 2014 ). And what kind of natural nutrition provides
10 grs of Vitamin C for example. What in the world has this high amount of
Vitamin C ? The same could be said for Vitiamin E. To take some supplement to
improve the blood quantity is good to exaggerate might also be harmfull with
side effects