There are essential points of your diet that in this period of confinement or exhausting work and in any case always at risk of contracting a disease, you must not forget
Every element of your nutrition is fundamental, as our body is not able to build everything from nothing.
We need a lot of substances to be able to support our body, but just on few things I would like to focus on today.
1) proteins, they are important. You must secure at least 1 gr of protein per kilo of body weight in this difficult period. Not less. You can find proteins everywhere, but there are those that are more similar to ours and therefore called noble and those that are a little less that must be combined in order to be used for plastic purposes such as legumes and cereals
2) vitamins and minerals (it is important to ensure a double dose of fruit per day and vegetables)
3) these fruits and vegetables also give your bacterial flora FOS (fosfooligosaccharide ), foods that make healthy bacterial microbiota grow, the one that produces substances that promote immune protection and the protection of intestinal tissues and protect us from inflammatory diseases.
4) In fact, you must reduce inflammation to protect yourself from the virus and therefore in addition to promoting the growth of healthy flora, you must avoid (unfortunately in this period it is easy), the increase in the consumption of sugars and sweets which instead favor the growth of an unbalanced flora which, in turn, makes it difficult to digest proteins, due to fermentation, increases the production of T lymphocytes which promote inflammatory processes, allergies and intolerances. It is a whole chain of connected factors
5) If you do little activity, reduce the amount of starchy foods you consume because if in excess, they promote inflammation and the accumulation of unwanted fat
6) Consume fish and seeds that are a source of omega 3 and that reduce inflammatory processes
7) Reduce dairy products or cheese to what is strictly necessary and to a single portion a day, if in excess they increase inflammation with the stimulus of inflammatory interleukins
8 ) All seasoned with a strong dose of spices and aromas rich in bioflavonoids and antioxidants so important to make the diet complete and with high anti-aging power