Red meat bad or good ?

Red meat bad or good ?

Red meat has been demonized several times and represents an important presence for the omnivorous diet. When asked, can you live without red meat? It must be clearly answered yes.

Sports and dietsSupplements


About 98% of creatine is inside the muscle cells. Once inside the muscle cell, creatine can remain creatine or be converted into phosphocreatine by an enzyme called creatine kinase. About 60% of the creatine pool…



To reduce inflammation we need to produce more type 3 prostaglandins which are derived from omega 3. The most common omega-3 fatty acids are  (alpha-linolenic acid) present in large quantities in flaxseed oil, and DHA…



The importance of the Mediterranean diet in the world was the theme of the conference held in Tokyo on November 19th. In the presence of high-level athletes to testify, such as Carolina Kostner and internationally…

What is the best preworkout?

What is the best preworkout?

What are the supplements that should not be missing if you use pre-workouts, especially if you do a workout in the gym? Creatine: Creatine from the point of view of functional biochemistry serves above all…



HMB (beta hydroxy butyrate) is a product of leucine metabolism. The body produces it naturally during the metabolism of this amino acid; about 5% of leucine is transformed to HMB in the body. Its use…

Diet in time of confinement
Diets and theories

Diet in time of confinement

There are essential points of your diet that in this period of confinement or exhausting work and in any case always at risk of contracting a disease, you must not forget Every element of your…

Integratori / Supplements news

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